login.md 2.4 KB


This document explains how to customize the login page of your application.

Login Page Adjustment

If you want to adjust the title, description, icon, and toolbar of the login page, you can do so by configuring the props parameter of the AuthPageLayout component.


You just need to configure the props parameter of AuthPageLayout in src/router/routes/core.ts within your application:

    component: AuthPageLayout,
    props: {
      sloganImage: "xxx/xxx.png",
      pageTitle: "开箱即用的大型中后台管理系统",
      pageDescription: "工程化、高性能、跨组件库的前端模版",
      toolbar: true,
      toolbarList: ['color', 'language', 'layout', 'theme'],
    // ...

::: tip

If these configurations do not meet your needs, you can implement your own login page. Simply implement your own AuthPageLayout.


Login Form Adjustment

If you want to adjust the content of the login form, you can configure the AuthenticationLogin component parameters in src/views/_core/authentication/login.vue within your application:


::: details AuthenticationLogin Component Props

   * @en Verification code login path
  codeLoginPath?: string;
   * @en Forget password path
  forgetPasswordPath?: string;

   * @en Whether it is in loading state
  loading?: boolean;

   * @en QR code login path
  qrCodeLoginPath?: string;

   * @en Registration path
  registerPath?: string;

   * @en Whether to show verification code login
  showCodeLogin?: boolean;
   * @en Whether to show forget password
  showForgetPassword?: boolean;

   * @en Whether to show QR code login
  showQrcodeLogin?: boolean;

   * @en Whether to show registration button
  showRegister?: boolean;

   * @en Whether to show remember account
  showRememberMe?: boolean;

   * @en Whether to show third-party login
  showThirdPartyLogin?: boolean;

   * @en Login box subtitle
  subTitle?: string;

   * @en Login box title
  title?: string;


::: tip

If these configurations do not meet your needs, you can implement your own login form and related login logic.
