# Login This document explains how to customize the login page of your application. ## Login Page Adjustment If you want to adjust the title, description, icon, and toolbar of the login page, you can do so by configuring the `props` parameter of the `AuthPageLayout` component. ![login](/guide/login.png) You just need to configure the `props` parameter of `AuthPageLayout` in `src/router/routes/core.ts` within your application: ```ts {4-8} { component: AuthPageLayout, props: { sloganImage: "xxx/xxx.png", pageTitle: "开箱即用的大型中后台管理系统", pageDescription: "工程化、高性能、跨组件库的前端模版", toolbar: true, toolbarList: ['color', 'language', 'layout', 'theme'], } // ... }, ``` ::: tip If these configurations do not meet your needs, you can implement your own login page. Simply implement your own `AuthPageLayout`. ::: ## Login Form Adjustment If you want to adjust the content of the login form, you can configure the `AuthenticationLogin` component parameters in `src/views/_core/authentication/login.vue` within your application: ```vue ``` ::: details AuthenticationLogin Component Props ```ts { /** * @en Verification code login path */ codeLoginPath?: string; /** * @en Forget password path */ forgetPasswordPath?: string; /** * @en Whether it is in loading state */ loading?: boolean; /** * @en QR code login path */ qrCodeLoginPath?: string; /** * @en Registration path */ registerPath?: string; /** * @en Whether to show verification code login */ showCodeLogin?: boolean; /** * @en Whether to show forget password */ showForgetPassword?: boolean; /** * @en Whether to show QR code login */ showQrcodeLogin?: boolean; /** * @en Whether to show registration button */ showRegister?: boolean; /** * @en Whether to show remember account */ showRememberMe?: boolean; /** * @en Whether to show third-party login */ showThirdPartyLogin?: boolean; /** * @en Login box subtitle */ subTitle?: string; /** * @en Login box title */ title?: string; } ``` ::: ::: tip If these configurations do not meet your needs, you can implement your own login form and related login logic. :::