@@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ function handleGotoPage(router: Router) {
go(unref(router.currentRoute).path, true);
+const getToTarget = (tabItem: RouteLocationNormalized) => {
+ const { params, path, query } = tabItem;
+ return {
+ params: params || {},
+ path,
+ query: query || {},
+ };
const cacheTab = projectSetting.multiTabsSetting.cache;
export const useMultipleTabStore = defineStore({
@@ -147,15 +156,6 @@ export const useMultipleTabStore = defineStore({
async closeTab(tab: RouteLocationNormalized, router: Router) {
- const getToTarget = (tabItem: RouteLocationNormalized) => {
- const { params, path, query } = tabItem;
- return {
- params: params || {},
- path,
- query: query || {},
- };
- };
const close = (route: RouteLocationNormalized) => {
const { fullPath, meta: { affix } = {} } = route;
if (affix) {
@@ -196,13 +196,36 @@ export const useMultipleTabStore = defineStore({
toTarget = getToTarget(page);
- replace(toTarget);
+ await replace(toTarget);
// Close according to key
async closeTabByKey(key: string, router: Router) {
const index = this.tabList.findIndex((item) => (item.fullPath || item.path) === key);
- index !== -1 && this.closeTab(this.tabList[index], router);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ await this.closeTab(this.tabList[index], router);
+ const { currentRoute, replace } = router;
+ // 检查当前路由是否存在于tabList中
+ const isActivated = this.tabList.findIndex((item) => {
+ return item.fullPath === currentRoute.value.fullPath;
+ });
+ // 如果当前路由不存在于TabList中,尝试切换到其它路由
+ if (isActivated === -1) {
+ let pageIndex;
+ if (index > 0) {
+ pageIndex = index - 1;
+ } else if (index < this.tabList.length - 1) {
+ pageIndex = index + 1;
+ } else {
+ pageIndex = -1;
+ }
+ if (pageIndex >= 0) {
+ const page = this.tabList[index - 1];
+ const toTarget = getToTarget(page);
+ await replace(toTarget);
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Sort the tabs