@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-import type { CAC } from 'cac';
-import { join } from 'node:path';
-import { colors, getPackages, rimraf, spinner } from '@vben/node-utils';
-const CLEAN_DIRS = ['dist', 'node_modules', '.turbo'];
-interface CleanCommandOptions {
- /**
- * Whether to delete the project pnpm-lock.yaml file.
- * @default true
- */
- delLock?: boolean;
- /**
- * Files that need to be cleared.
- */
- dirs?: string[];
- /**
- * recursive clear.
- * @default true
- */
- recursive?: boolean;
-async function runClean({
- delLock = false,
- dirs = [],
- recursive,
-}: CleanCommandOptions) {
- const cleanDirs = dirs.length === 0 ? CLEAN_DIRS : dirs;
- const cleanDirsText = JSON.stringify(cleanDirs);
- spinner(
- {
- successText: colors.green(`clean up all \`${cleanDirsText}\` success.`),
- title: `${colors.dim(cleanDirsText)} cleaning in progress...`,
- },
- async () => {
- await clean({ delLock, dirs: cleanDirs, recursive });
- },
- );
-async function clean({ delLock, dirs = [], recursive }: CleanCommandOptions) {
- const { packages, rootDir } = await getPackages();
- // Delete the project pnpm-lock.yaml file
- if (delLock) {
- await rimraf(join(rootDir, 'pnpm-lock.yaml'));
- }
- // Recursively delete the specified folders under all package directories
- if (recursive) {
- await Promise.all(
- packages.map((pkg) => {
- const pkgRoot = dirs.map((dir) => join(pkg.dir, dir));
- return rimraf(pkgRoot, { preserveRoot: true });
- }),
- );
- }
- // Only delete the specified folders in the root directory
- await Promise.all(
- dirs.map((dir) => rimraf(join(process.cwd(), dir), { preserveRoot: true })),
- );
-function defineCleanCommand(cac: CAC) {
- cac
- .command('clean [dirs...]')
- .usage(
- `Delete all ['dist', 'node_modules', '.turbo'] directories under the project.`,
- )
- .option('-r,--recursive', 'Recursively clean all packages in a monorepo.', {
- default: true,
- })
- .option('--del-lock', 'Delete the project pnpm-lock.yaml file.', {
- default: true,
- })
- .action(
- async (dirs, { delLock, recursive }) =>
- await runClean({ delLock, dirs, recursive }),
- );
-export { defineCleanCommand };