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Table BasicColumn 添加 editDynamicDisabled (#2018)

* Table BasicColumn 添加 editDynamicDisabled
Co-authored-by: Cyrus Zhou <6802207@qq.com>
使用方式同 Form FormSchema dynamicDisabled
export const Columns: BasicColumn[] = [
    title: 'Title',
    dataIndex: 'Title',
    editRow: true,
    editComponent: 'Select',
    editDynamicDisabled: ({ record }) => record.isDisabled,

* editComponentProps onChange 功能恢复
Co-authored-by: Cyrus Zhou <6802207@qq.com>
...omit(compProps, 'onChange')
这会忽略 onChange ,导致 editComponentProps onChange 被取消

editComponentProps: ({ record }) => {
  return {
    options: effectTypeData,
    onChange: () => {

* tableData == null 报错

* ApiSelect 第一次选择触发required错误提示问题

* 恢复 虽然可以解决第一次选择提示报错问题,但是会导致 onChange: (e: any, options: any) => 无法获得 options 的值
Cyrus Zhou пре 2 година

+ 22 - 3

@@ -82,17 +82,36 @@
         if (component === 'ApiSelect') {
           apiSelectProps.cache = true;
+        upEditDynamicDisabled(record, column, value);
         return {
           size: 'small',
           getPopupContainer: () => unref(table?.wrapRef.value) ?? document.body,
           placeholder: createPlaceholderMessage(unref(getComponent)),
-          ...omit(compProps, 'onChange'),
+          ...compProps,
           [valueField]: value,
+          disabled: unref(getDisable),
         } as any;
+      function upEditDynamicDisabled(record, column, value) {
+        if (!record) return false;
+        const { key, dataIndex } = column;
+        if (!key && !dataIndex) return;
+        const dataKey = (dataIndex || key) as string;
+        set(record, dataKey, value);
+      }
+      const getDisable = computed(() => {
+        const { editDynamicDisabled } = props.column;
+        let disabled = false;
+        if (isBoolean(editDynamicDisabled)) {
+          disabled = editDynamicDisabled;
+        }
+        if (isFunction(editDynamicDisabled)) {
+          const { record } = props;
+          disabled = editDynamicDisabled({ record });
+        }
+        return disabled;
+      });
       const getValues = computed(() => {
         const { editValueMap } = props.column;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ export function useTableScroll(
     bodyEl!.style.height = 'unset';
-    if (!unref(getCanResize) || tableData.length === 0) return;
+    if (!unref(getCanResize) || !unref(tableData) || tableData.length === 0) return;
     await nextTick();
     // Add a delay to get the correct bottomIncludeBody paginationHeight footerHeight headerHeight

+ 2 - 0

@@ -463,6 +463,8 @@ export interface BasicColumn extends ColumnProps<Recordable> {
     column: BasicColumn;
     index: number;
   }) => VNodeChild | JSX.Element;
+  // 动态 Disabled
+  editDynamicDisabled?: boolean | ((record: Recordable) => boolean);
 export type ColumnChangeParam = {