Selaa lähdekoodia

fix(table): `deleteTableDataRecord` not work

无木 3 vuotta sitten

+ 2 - 0

@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@
   - 修复`useTable`与`BasicTable`实例的`reload`方法`await`表现不一致的问题
   - 修复`clickToRowSelect`会无视行选择框 disabled 状态的问题
   - 修复`BasicTable`在某些情况下,分页会被重置的问题
+  - 修改 `deleteTableDataRecord` 方法
 - **BasicModal**
   - 修复点击遮罩、按下`Esc`键都不能关闭`Modal`的问题
   - 修复点击关闭按钮、最大化按钮旁边的空白区域也会导致`Modal`关闭的问题
 - **BasicTree** 修复节点插槽不起作用的问题
 - **CodeEditor** 修复可能会造成的`Build`失败的问题
 - **BasicForm** 修复自定义 FormItem 组件的内容宽度可能超出范围的问题
+- **ApiTreeSelect** 修复`params`变化未能触发重新请求 api 数据的问题
 - **其它**
   - 修复多标签在某些情况下关闭页签不会跳转路由的问题
   - 修复部分组件可能会造成热更新异常的问题

+ 28 - 10

@@ -160,21 +160,39 @@ export function useDataSource(
-  function deleteTableDataRecord(record: Recordable | Recordable[]): Recordable | undefined {
+  function deleteTableDataRecord(rowKey: string | number | string[] | number[]) {
     if (!dataSourceRef.value || dataSourceRef.value.length == 0) return;
-    const records = !Array.isArray(record) ? [record] : record;
-    const recordIndex = records
-      .map((item) => dataSourceRef.value.findIndex((s) => s.key === item.key)) // 取序号
-      .filter((item) => item !== undefined)
-      .sort((a, b) => b - a); // 从大到小排序
-    for (const index of recordIndex) {
-      unref(dataSourceRef).splice(index, 1);
-      unref(propsRef).dataSource?.splice(index, 1);
+    const rowKeyName = unref(getRowKey);
+    if (!rowKeyName) return;
+    const rowKeys = !Array.isArray(rowKey) ? [rowKey] : rowKey;
+    for (const key of rowKeys) {
+      let index: number | undefined = dataSourceRef.value.findIndex((row) => {
+        let targetKeyName: string;
+        if (typeof rowKeyName === 'function') {
+          targetKeyName = rowKeyName(row);
+        } else {
+          targetKeyName = rowKeyName as string;
+        }
+        return row[targetKeyName] === key;
+      });
+      if (index >= 0) {
+        dataSourceRef.value.splice(index, 1);
+      }
+      index = unref(propsRef).dataSource?.findIndex((row) => {
+        let targetKeyName: string;
+        if (typeof rowKeyName === 'function') {
+          targetKeyName = rowKeyName(row);
+        } else {
+          targetKeyName = rowKeyName as string;
+        }
+        return row[targetKeyName] === key;
+      });
+      if (typeof index !== 'undefined' && index !== -1)
+        unref(propsRef).dataSource?.splice(index, 1);
       total: unref(propsRef).dataSource?.length,
-    return unref(propsRef).dataSource;
   function insertTableDataRecord(record: Recordable, index: number): Recordable | undefined {

+ 2 - 2

@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ export function useTable(tableProps?: Props): [
     updateTableData: (index: number, key: string, value: any) => {
       return getTableInstance().updateTableData(index, key, value);
-    deleteTableDataRecord: (record: Recordable | Recordable[]) => {
-      return getTableInstance().deleteTableDataRecord(record);
+    deleteTableDataRecord: (rowKey: string | number | string[] | number[]) => {
+      return getTableInstance().deleteTableDataRecord(rowKey);
     insertTableDataRecord: (record: Recordable | Recordable[], index?: number) => {
       return getTableInstance().insertTableDataRecord(record, index);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ export interface TableActionType {
   setPagination: (info: Partial<PaginationProps>) => void;
   setTableData: <T = Recordable>(values: T[]) => void;
   updateTableDataRecord: (rowKey: string | number, record: Recordable) => Recordable | void;
-  deleteTableDataRecord: (record: Recordable | Recordable[]) => Recordable | void;
+  deleteTableDataRecord: (rowKey: string | number | string[] | number[]) => void;
   insertTableDataRecord: (record: Recordable, index?: number) => Recordable | void;
   findTableDataRecord: (rowKey: string | number) => Recordable | void;
   getColumns: (opt?: GetColumnsParams) => BasicColumn[];