@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- "page": {
- "core": {
- "login": "Login",
- "register": "Register",
- "codeLogin": "Code Login",
- "qrcodeLogin": "Qr Code Login",
- "forgetPassword": "Forget Password"
- },
- "dashboard": {
- "title": "Dashboard",
- "analytics": "Analytics",
- "workspace": "Workspace"
- },
- "vben": {
- "title": "Project",
- "about": "About",
- "document": "Document",
- "antdv": "Ant Design Vue Version",
- "naive-ui": "Naive UI Version",
- "element-plus": "Element Plus Version"
- }
- },
- "common": {
- "back": "Back",
- "backToHome": "Back To Home",
- "login": "Login",
- "logout": "Logout",
- "prompt": "Prompt",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "confirm": "Comfirm",
- "noData": "No Data",
- "refresh": "Refresh",
- "loadingMenu": "Loading Menu",
- "query": "Search"
- },
- "fallback": {
- "pageNotFound": "Oops! Page Not Found",
- "pageNotFoundDesc": "Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.",
- "forbidden": "Oops! Access Denied",
- "forbiddenDesc": "Sorry, but you don't have permission to access this page.",
- "internalError": "Oops! Something Went Wrong",
- "internalErrorDesc": "Sorry, but the server encountered an error.",
- "offline": "Offline Page",
- "offlineError": "Oops! Network Error",
- "offlineErrorDesc": "Sorry, can't connect to the internet. Check your connection.",
- "comingSoon": "Coming Soon",
- "http": {
- "requestTimeout": "The request timed out. Please try again later.",
- "networkError": "A network error occurred. Please check your internet connection and try again.",
- "badRequest": "Bad Request. Please check your input and try again.",
- "unauthorized": "Unauthorized. Please log in to continue.",
- "forbidden": "Forbidden. You do not have permission to access this resource.",
- "notFound": "Not Found. The requested resource could not be found.",
- "internalServerError": "Internal Server Error. Something went wrong on our end. Please try again later."
- }
- },
- "formRules": {
- "required": "Please enter {0}",
- "selectRequired": "Please select {0}"
- },
- "placeholder": {
- "input": "Please enter",
- "select": "Please select"
- },
- "widgets": {
- "document": "Document",
- "qa": "Q&A",
- "setting": "Settings",
- "logoutTip": "Do you want to logout?",
- "viewAll": "View All Messages",
- "notifications": "Notifications",
- "markAllAsRead": "Make All as Read",
- "clearNotifications": "Clear",
- "checkUpdatesTitle": "New Version Available",
- "checkUpdatesDescription": "Click to refresh and get the latest version",
- "search": {
- "title": "Search",
- "searchNavigate": "Search Navigation",
- "select": "Select",
- "navigate": "Navigate",
- "close": "Close",
- "noResults": "No Search Results Found",
- "noRecent": "No Search History",
- "recent": "Search History"
- },
- "lockScreen": {
- "title": "Lock Screen",
- "screenButton": "Locking",
- "password": "Password",
- "placeholder": "Please enter password",
- "unlock": "Click to unlock",
- "errorPasswordTip": "Password error, please re-enter",
- "backToLogin": "Back to login",
- "entry": "Enter the system"
- }
- },
- "authentication": {
- "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back",
- "pageTitle": "Plug-and-play Admin system",
- "pageDesc": "Efficient, versatile frontend template",
- "loginSuccess": "Login Successful",
- "loginSuccessDesc": "Welcome Back",
- "loginSubtitle": "Enter your account details to manage your projects",
- "selectAccount": "Quick Select Account",
- "username": "Username",
- "password": "Password",
- "usernameTip": "Please enter username",
- "passwordErrorTip": "Password is incorrect",
- "passwordTip": "Please enter password",
- "verifyRequiredTip": "Please complete the verification first",
- "rememberMe": "Remember Me",
- "createAnAccount": "Create an Account",
- "createAccount": "Create Account",
- "alreadyHaveAccount": "Already have an account?",
- "accountTip": "Don't have an account?",
- "signUp": "Sign Up",
- "signUpSubtitle": "Make managing your applications simple and fun",
- "confirmPassword": "Comfirm Password",
- "confirmPasswordTip": "The passwords do not match",
- "agree": "I agree to",
- "privacyPolicy": "Privacy-policy",
- "terms": "Terms",
- "agreeTip": "Please agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms",
- "goToLogin": "Login instead",
- "passwordStrength": "Use 8 or more characters with a mix of letters, numbers & symbols",
- "forgetPassword": "Forget Password?",
- "forgetPasswordSubtitle": "Enter your email and we'll send you instructions to reset your password",
- "emailTip": "Please enter email",
- "emailValidErrorTip": "The email format you entered is incorrect",
- "sendResetLink": "Send Reset Link",
- "email": "Email",
- "qrcodeSubtitle": "Scan the QR code with your phone to login",
- "qrcodePrompt": "Click 'Confirm' after scanning to complete login",
- "qrcodeLogin": "QR Code Login",
- "codeSubtitle": "Enter your phone number to start managing your project",
- "code": "Security code",
- "codeTip": "Security code is required",
- "mobile": "Mobile",
- "mobileLogin": "Mobile Login",
- "mobileTip": "Please enter mobile number",
- "mobileErrortip": "The phone number format is incorrect",
- "sendCode": "Get Security code",
- "sendText": "Resend in {0}s",
- "thirdPartyLogin": "Or continue with",
- "loginAgainTitle": "Please Log In Again",
- "loginAgainSubTitle": "Your login session has expired. Please log in again to continue.",
- "layout": {
- "center": "Align Center",
- "alignLeft": "Align Left",
- "alignRight": "Align Right"
- }
- },
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- "title": "Preferences",
- "subtitle": "Customize Preferences & Preview in Real Time",
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- "resetTitle": "Reset Preferences",
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- "mixedMenuTip": "Vertical & Horizontal Menu Co-exists",
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- "copyPreferencesSuccessTitle": "Copy successful",
- "copyPreferencesSuccess": "Copy successful, please override in `src/preferences.ts` under app",
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- "companySiteLink": "Company Site Link",
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- "icpLink": "ICP Site Link"
- },
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- "search": "Global Search",
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- }
- },
- "ui": {
- "captcha": {
- "title": "Please complete the security verification",
- "sliderSuccessText": "Passed",
- "sliderDefaultText": "Slider and drag",
- "alt": "Supports img tag src attribute value",
- "sliderRotateDefaultTip": "Click picture to refresh",
- "sliderRotateFailTip": "Validation failed",
- "sliderRotateSuccessTip": "Validation successful, time {0} seconds",
- "refreshAriaLabel": "Refresh captcha",
- "confirmAriaLabel": "Confirm selection",
- "confirm": "Confirm",
- "pointAriaLabel": "Click point",
- "clickInOrder": "Please click in order"
- }
- }