nps.conf 1.2 KB

  1. appname = nps
  2. #Web Management Port
  3. httpport = 8080
  4. #Boot mode(dev|pro)
  5. runmode = dev
  6. #Web Management Password
  7. password=123
  8. ##Communication Port between Client and Server
  9. ##If the data transfer mode is tcp, it is TCP port
  10. ##If the data transfer mode is kcp, it is UDP port
  11. bridgePort=8284
  12. #Web API unauthenticated IP address
  13. authip=
  14. ##HTTP proxy port, no startup if empty
  15. httpProxyPort=80
  16. ##HTTPS proxy port, no startup if empty
  17. httpsProxyPort=
  18. ##certFile absolute path
  19. pemPath=/etc/nginx/certificate.crt
  20. ##KeyFile absolute path
  21. keyPath=/etc/nginx/private.key
  22. ##Data transmission mode(kcp or tcp)
  23. bridgeType=tcp
  24. # Public password, which clients can use to connect to the server
  25. # After the connection, the server will be able to open relevant ports and parse related domain names according to its own configuration file.
  26. publicVkey=123
  27. #Traffic data persistence interval(minute)
  28. #Ignorance means no persistence
  29. #flowStoreInterval=1
  30. #log level
  31. #LevelEmergency->0 LevelAlert->1 LevelCritical->2 LevelError->3 LevelWarning->4
  32. #LevelNotice->5 LevelInformational->6 LevelDebug->7
  33. #logLevel=7
  34. #Whether to restrict IP access, true or false or ignore
  35. #ipLimit=true