@@ -33,8 +33,20 @@ func (https *HttpsServer) Start() error {
} else {
+ //start the default listener
+ certFile := beego.AppConfig.String("https_default_cert_file")
+ keyFile := beego.AppConfig.String("https_default_key_file")
+ if common.FileExists(certFile) && common.FileExists(keyFile) {
+ l := NewHttpsListener(https.listener)
+ https.NewHttps(l, certFile, keyFile)
+ https.httpsListenerMap.Store("default", l)
+ }
conn.Accept(https.listener, func(c net.Conn) {
serverName, rb := GetServerNameFromClientHello(c)
+ //if the clientHello does not contains sni ,use the default ssl certificate
+ if serverName == "" {
+ serverName = "default"
+ }
var l *HttpsListener
if v, ok := https.httpsListenerMap.Load(serverName); ok {
l = v.(*HttpsListener)
@@ -42,17 +54,23 @@ func (https *HttpsServer) Start() error {
r := buildHttpsRequest(serverName)
if host, err := file.GetDb().GetInfoByHost(serverName, r); err != nil {
- logs.Notice("the url %s can't be parsed!", serverName)
+ logs.Notice("the url %s can't be parsed!,remote addr %s", serverName, c.RemoteAddr().String())
} else {
if !common.FileExists(host.CertFilePath) || !common.FileExists(host.KeyFilePath) {
- c.Close()
- logs.Error("the key %s cert %s file is not exist", host.KeyFilePath, host.CertFilePath)
- return
+ //if the host cert file or key file is not set ,use the default file
+ if v, ok := https.httpsListenerMap.Load("default"); ok {
+ l = v.(*HttpsListener)
+ } else {
+ c.Close()
+ logs.Error("the key %s cert %s file is not exist", host.KeyFilePath, host.CertFilePath)
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ l = NewHttpsListener(https.listener)
+ https.NewHttps(l, host.CertFilePath, host.KeyFilePath)
+ https.httpsListenerMap.Store(serverName, l)
- l = NewHttpsListener(https.listener)
- https.NewHttps(l, host.CertFilePath, host.KeyFilePath)
- https.httpsListenerMap.Store(serverName, l)
acceptConn := conn.NewConn(c)