@@ -17,34 +17,37 @@ type conn struct {
connStatusFailCh chan struct{}
readTimeOut time.Time
writeTimeOut time.Time
- readBuffer []byte
- startRead int //now read position
- endRead int //now end read
- readFlag bool
- readCh chan struct{}
- readQueue *sliceEntry
- stopWrite bool
- connId int32
- isClose bool
- readWait bool
- sendClose bool // MUX_CONN_CLOSE already send
- closeFlag bool // close conn flag
- hasWrite int
- mux *Mux
- once sync.Once
+ //readBuffer []byte
+ //startRead int //now read position
+ //endRead int //now end read
+ //readFlag bool
+ //readCh chan struct{}
+ //readQueue *sliceEntry
+ //stopWrite bool
+ connId int32
+ isClose bool
+ //readWait bool
+ closeFlag bool // close conn flag
+ hasWrite int
+ receiveWindow *window
+ sendWindow *window
+ mux *Mux
+ once sync.Once
func NewConn(connId int32, mux *Mux) *conn {
c := &conn{
- readCh: make(chan struct{}),
getStatusCh: make(chan struct{}),
connStatusOkCh: make(chan struct{}),
connStatusFailCh: make(chan struct{}),
- readQueue: NewQueue(),
connId: connId,
+ receiveWindow: new(window),
+ sendWindow: new(window),
mux: mux,
once: sync.Once{},
+ c.receiveWindow.NewReceive()
+ c.sendWindow.NewSend()
return c
@@ -52,94 +55,99 @@ func (s *conn) Read(buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
if s.isClose || buf == nil {
return 0, errors.New("the conn has closed")
- if s.endRead-s.startRead == 0 { //read finish or start
- if s.readQueue.Size() == 0 {
- s.readWait = true
- if t := s.readTimeOut.Sub(time.Now()); t > 0 {
- timer := time.NewTimer(t)
- defer timer.Stop()
- select {
- case <-timer.C:
- s.readWait = false
- return 0, errors.New("read timeout")
- case <-s.readCh:
- }
- } else {
- <-s.readCh
- }
- }
- if s.isClose { //If the connection is closed instead of continuing command
- return 0, errors.New("the conn has closed")
- }
- if node, err := s.readQueue.Pop(); err != nil {
- logs.Warn("conn close by read pop err", s.connId, err)
- s.Close()
- return 0, io.EOF
- } else if node.val == nil {
- s.sendClose = true
- logs.Warn("conn close by read ", s.connId)
- s.Close()
- } else {
- s.readBuffer = node.val
- s.endRead = node.l
- s.startRead = 0
+ nCh := make(chan int)
+ errCh := make(chan error)
+ defer close(nCh)
+ defer close(errCh)
+ // waiting for takeout from receive window finish or timeout
+ go s.readWindow(buf, nCh, errCh)
+ if t := s.readTimeOut.Sub(time.Now()); t > 0 {
+ timer := time.NewTimer(t)
+ defer timer.Stop()
+ select {
+ case <-timer.C:
+ return 0, errors.New("read timeout")
+ case n = <-nCh:
+ err = <-errCh
- }
- if len(buf) < s.endRead-s.startRead {
- n = copy(buf, s.readBuffer[s.startRead:s.startRead+len(buf)])
- s.startRead += n
} else {
- n = copy(buf, s.readBuffer[s.startRead:s.endRead])
- s.startRead += n
- common.CopyBuff.Put(s.readBuffer)
+ n = <-nCh
+ err = <-errCh
+ logs.Warn("read window finish conn read n err buf", n, err, string(buf[:15]))
+func (s *conn) readWindow(buf []byte, nCh chan int, errCh chan error) {
+ n, err := s.receiveWindow.Read(buf)
+ //logs.Warn("readwindow goroutine status n err buf", n, err, string(buf[:15]))
+ if s.receiveWindow.WindowFull {
+ if s.receiveWindow.Size() > 0 {
+ // window.Read may be invoked before window.Write, and WindowFull flag change to true
+ // so make sure that receiveWindow is free some space
+ s.receiveWindow.WindowFull = false
+ logs.Warn("defer send mux msg send ok size", s.receiveWindow.Size())
+ s.mux.sendInfo(common.MUX_MSG_SEND_OK, s.connId, s.receiveWindow.Size())
+ // acknowledge other side, have empty some receive window space
+ }
+ }
+ nCh <- n
+ errCh <- err
func (s *conn) Write(buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
if s.isClose {
return 0, errors.New("the conn has closed")
if s.closeFlag {
- s.sendClose = true
logs.Warn("conn close by write ", s.connId)
- s.Close()
+ //s.Close()
return 0, errors.New("io: write on closed conn")
- ch := make(chan struct{})
- go s.write(buf, ch)
+ nCh := make(chan int)
+ errCh := make(chan error)
+ defer close(nCh)
+ defer close(errCh)
+ s.sendWindow.SetSendBuf(buf) // set the buf to send window
+ go s.write(nCh, errCh)
+ // waiting for send to other side or timeout
if t := s.writeTimeOut.Sub(time.Now()); t > 0 {
timer := time.NewTimer(t)
defer timer.Stop()
select {
case <-timer.C:
return 0, errors.New("write timeout")
- case <-ch:
+ case n = <-nCh:
+ err = <-errCh
} else {
- <-ch
+ n = <-nCh
+ err = <-errCh
- close(ch)
- //if s.isClose {
- // return 0, io.ErrClosedPipe
- //}
- return len(buf), nil
+ return
-func (s *conn) write(buf []byte, ch chan struct{}) {
- start := 0
- l := len(buf)
+func (s *conn) write(nCh chan int, errCh chan error) {
+ var n int
+ var err error
for {
- if l-start > common.PoolSizeCopy {
- //logs.Warn("conn write > poolsizecopy")
- s.mux.sendInfo(common.MUX_NEW_MSG, s.connId, buf[start:start+common.PoolSizeCopy])
- start += common.PoolSizeCopy
- } else {
- //logs.Warn("conn write <= poolsizecopy, start, len", start, l)
- s.mux.sendInfo(common.MUX_NEW_MSG, s.connId, buf[start:l])
+ buf, err := s.sendWindow.WriteTo()
+ // get the usable window size buf from send window
+ if buf == nil && err == io.EOF {
+ // send window is drain, break the loop
+ err = nil
+ break
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ n += len(buf)
+ //logs.Warn("send window buf len", len(buf))
+ s.mux.sendInfo(common.MUX_NEW_MSG, s.connId, buf)
+ // send to other side, not send nil data to other side
- ch <- struct{}{}
+ nCh <- n
+ errCh <- err
func (s *conn) Close() (err error) {
@@ -150,15 +158,14 @@ func (s *conn) Close() (err error) {
func (s *conn) closeProcess() {
s.isClose = true
- common.CopyBuff.Put(s.readBuffer)
- close(s.readCh)
- s.readQueue.Clear()
if !s.mux.IsClose {
- if !s.sendClose {
- logs.Warn("conn send close", s.connId)
- s.mux.sendInfo(common.MUX_CONN_CLOSE, s.connId, nil)
- }
+ logs.Warn("conn send close", s.connId)
+ // if server or user close the conn while reading, will get a io.EOF
+ // and this Close method will be invoke, send this signal to close other side
+ s.mux.sendInfo(common.MUX_CONN_CLOSE, s.connId, nil)
+ s.sendWindow.CloseWindow()
+ s.receiveWindow.CloseWindow()
@@ -185,3 +192,226 @@ func (s *conn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
s.writeTimeOut = t
return nil
+type window struct {
+ windowBuff []byte
+ off uint16
+ readOp chan struct{}
+ readWait bool
+ WindowFull bool
+ usableReceiveWindow chan uint16
+ WriteWg sync.WaitGroup
+ closeOp bool
+ closeOpCh chan struct{}
+ WriteEndOp chan struct{}
+ mutex sync.Mutex
+func (Self *window) NewReceive() {
+ // initial a window for receive
+ Self.windowBuff = common.WindowBuff.Get()
+ Self.readOp = make(chan struct{})
+ Self.WriteEndOp = make(chan struct{})
+ Self.closeOpCh = make(chan struct{}, 2)
+func (Self *window) NewSend() {
+ // initial a window for send
+ Self.usableReceiveWindow = make(chan uint16)
+ Self.closeOpCh = make(chan struct{}, 2)
+func (Self *window) SetSendBuf(buf []byte) {
+ // send window buff from conn write method, set it to send window
+ Self.mutex.Lock()
+ Self.windowBuff = buf
+ Self.off = 0
+ Self.mutex.Unlock()
+func (Self *window) fullSlide() {
+ // slide by allocate
+ newBuf := common.WindowBuff.Get()
+ copy(newBuf[0:Self.len()], Self.windowBuff[Self.off:])
+ Self.off = 0
+ common.WindowBuff.Put(Self.windowBuff)
+ Self.windowBuff = newBuf
+ return
+func (Self *window) liteSlide() {
+ // slide by re slice
+ Self.windowBuff = Self.windowBuff[Self.off:]
+ Self.off = 0
+ return
+func (Self *window) Size() (n int) {
+ // receive Window remaining
+ n = common.PoolSizeWindow - Self.len()
+ return
+func (Self *window) len() (n int) {
+ n = len(Self.windowBuff[Self.off:])
+ return
+func (Self *window) cap() (n int) {
+ n = cap(Self.windowBuff[Self.off:])
+ return
+func (Self *window) grow(n int) {
+ Self.windowBuff = Self.windowBuff[:Self.len()+n]
+func (Self *window) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ if Self.closeOp {
+ logs.Warn("window write closed len p", len(p))
+ return 0, errors.New("conn.receiveWindow: write on closed window")
+ }
+ if len(p) > Self.Size() {
+ return 0, errors.New("conn.receiveWindow: write too large")
+ }
+ if Self.readWait {
+ defer Self.allowRead()
+ }
+ //logs.Warn("window write p string", len(p), string(p[:15]))
+ Self.mutex.Lock()
+ // slide the offset
+ if len(p) > Self.cap()-Self.len() {
+ // not enough space, need to allocate
+ Self.fullSlide()
+ //logs.Warn("window write full slide len cap", Self.len(), Self.cap())
+ } else {
+ // have enough space, re slice
+ Self.liteSlide()
+ //logs.Warn("window write lite slide len cap", Self.len(), Self.cap())
+ }
+ length := Self.len() // length before grow
+ Self.grow(len(p)) // grow for copy
+ n = copy(Self.windowBuff[length:], p) // must copy data before allow Read
+ //logs.Warn("window write copy n len cap buf", n, Self.len(), Self.cap(), string(Self.windowBuff[Self.len()-n:Self.len()+15-n]))
+ Self.mutex.Unlock()
+ return n, nil
+func (Self *window) allowRead() (closed bool) {
+ //logs.Warn("length 0 read op")
+ Self.readWait = false
+ if Self.closeOp {
+ close(Self.readOp)
+ return true
+ }
+ select {
+ case <-Self.closeOpCh:
+ close(Self.readOp)
+ return true
+ case Self.readOp <- struct{}{}:
+ //logs.Warn("length 0 read op finish")
+ return false
+ }
+func (Self *window) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ //logs.Warn("starting window read method len ", Self.len())
+ if Self.closeOp {
+ return 0, io.EOF // Write method receive close signal, returns eof
+ }
+ if Self.len() == 0 {
+ // window is empty, waiting for Write method send a success readOp signal
+ // or get timeout or close
+ Self.readWait = true
+ ticker := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Minute)
+ defer ticker.Stop()
+ select {
+ case _, ok := <-Self.readOp:
+ //logs.Warn("read window read op len cap", Self.len(), Self.cap())
+ if !ok {
+ return 0, errors.New("conn.receiveWindow: window closed")
+ }
+ case <-Self.WriteEndOp:
+ return 0, io.EOF // receive eof signal, returns eof
+ case <-ticker.C:
+ return 0, errors.New("conn.receiveWindow: read time out")
+ case <-Self.closeOpCh:
+ close(Self.readOp)
+ return 0, io.EOF // receive close signal, returns eof
+ }
+ }
+ //logs.Warn("window read start len window buff", Self.len(), string(Self.windowBuff[Self.off:Self.off+15]))
+ Self.mutex.Lock()
+ n = copy(p, Self.windowBuff[Self.off:])
+ Self.off += uint16(n)
+ p = p[:n]
+ //logs.Warn("window read finish n len p p", n, len(p), string(p[:15]))
+ Self.mutex.Unlock()
+ return
+func (Self *window) WriteTo() (p []byte, err error) {
+ if Self.closeOp {
+ logs.Warn("window write to closed")
+ return nil, errors.New("conn.writeWindow: window closed")
+ }
+ if Self.len() == 0 {
+ return nil, io.EOF
+ // send window buff is drain, return eof and get another one
+ }
+ var windowSize uint16
+ var ok bool
+ ticker := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Minute)
+ defer ticker.Stop()
+ // waiting for receive usable window size, or timeout
+ select {
+ case windowSize, ok = <-Self.usableReceiveWindow:
+ if !ok {
+ return nil, errors.New("conn.writeWindow: window closed")
+ }
+ case <-ticker.C:
+ return nil, errors.New("conn.writeWindow: write to time out")
+ }
+ if windowSize == 0 {
+ goto waiting // waiting for another usable window size
+ }
+ Self.mutex.Lock()
+ if windowSize > uint16(Self.len()) {
+ // usable window size is bigger than window buff size, send the full buff
+ //logs.Warn("window size overflow windowSize len()", windowSize, Self.len())
+ windowSize = uint16(Self.len())
+ }
+ //logs.Warn("window buff off windowSize", Self.off, windowSize)
+ p = Self.windowBuff[Self.off : windowSize+Self.off]
+ Self.off += windowSize
+ Self.mutex.Unlock()
+ return
+func (Self *window) SetAllowSize(value uint16) (closed bool) {
+ defer func() {
+ if recover() != nil {
+ closed = true
+ }
+ }()
+ if Self.closeOp {
+ close(Self.usableReceiveWindow)
+ return true
+ }
+ select {
+ case Self.usableReceiveWindow <- value:
+ return false
+ case <-Self.closeOpCh:
+ close(Self.usableReceiveWindow)
+ return true
+ }
+func (Self *window) CloseWindow() {
+ Self.closeOp = true
+ Self.closeOpCh <- struct{}{}
+ Self.closeOpCh <- struct{}{}
+ close(Self.closeOpCh)
+ return