@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ type ReceiveWindow struct {
bufQueue ReceiveWindowQueue
element *common.ListElement
count int8
- bw *bandwidth
+ bw *writeBandwidth
once sync.Once
// receive window send the current max size and read size to send window
// means done size actually store the size receive window has read
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ func (Self *ReceiveWindow) New(mux *Mux) {
Self.maxSizeDone = Self.pack(common.MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_SIZE*30, 0, false)
Self.mux = mux
- Self.bw = NewBandwidth(nil)
+ Self.bw = NewWriteBandwidth()
func (Self *ReceiveWindow) remainingSize(maxSize uint32, delta uint16) (n uint32) {
@@ -232,9 +232,15 @@ func (Self *ReceiveWindow) calcSize() {
// calculating maximum receive window size
if Self.count == 0 {
//logs.Warn("ping, bw", Self.mux.latency, Self.bw.Get())
- conns := Self.mux.connMap.Size()
- n := uint32(math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&Self.mux.latency)) *
- (Self.mux.bw.Get() + Self.bw.Get()))
+ //conns := Self.mux.connMap.Size()
+ muxBw := Self.mux.bw.Get()
+ connBw := Self.bw.Get()
+ //logs.Warn("muxbw connbw", muxBw, connBw)
+ var n uint32
+ if connBw > 0 && muxBw > 0 {
+ n = uint32(math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&Self.mux.latency)) *
+ (muxBw + connBw))
+ }
if n < common.MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_SIZE*30 {
//logs.Warn("window small", n, Self.mux.bw.Get(), Self.bw.Get())
@@ -252,9 +258,12 @@ func (Self *ReceiveWindow) calcSize() {
n = 2 * size
// twice grow
- if n > (common.MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE / uint32(conns)) {
- logs.Warn("window too large, calculated:", n, "limit:", common.MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE/uint32(conns))
- n = common.MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE / uint32(conns)
+ if connBw > 0 && muxBw > 0 {
+ limit := uint32(common.MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE * (connBw / (muxBw + connBw)))
+ if n > limit {
+ logs.Warn("window too large, calculated:", n, "limit:", limit, connBw, muxBw)
+ n = limit
+ }
// set the maximum size
//logs.Warn("n", n)
@@ -664,3 +673,50 @@ func (Self *SendWindow) SetTimeOut(t time.Time) {
// waiting for receive a receive window size
Self.timeout = t
+type writeBandwidth struct {
+ writeBW uint64 // store in bits, but it's float64
+ readEnd time.Time
+ duration float64
+ bufLength uint32
+const writeCalcThreshold uint32 = 5 * 1024 * 1024
+func NewWriteBandwidth() *writeBandwidth {
+ return &writeBandwidth{}
+func (Self *writeBandwidth) StartRead() {
+ if Self.readEnd.IsZero() {
+ Self.readEnd = time.Now()
+ }
+ Self.duration += time.Now().Sub(Self.readEnd).Seconds()
+ if Self.bufLength >= writeCalcThreshold {
+ Self.calcBandWidth()
+ }
+func (Self *writeBandwidth) SetCopySize(n uint16) {
+ Self.bufLength += uint32(n)
+ Self.endRead()
+func (Self *writeBandwidth) endRead() {
+ Self.readEnd = time.Now()
+func (Self *writeBandwidth) calcBandWidth() {
+ atomic.StoreUint64(&Self.writeBW, math.Float64bits(float64(Self.bufLength)/Self.duration))
+ Self.bufLength = 0
+ Self.duration = 0
+func (Self *writeBandwidth) Get() (bw float64) {
+ // The zero value, 0 for numeric types
+ bw = math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&Self.writeBW))
+ if bw <= 0 {
+ bw = 0
+ }
+ return