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Bottom Sheets

Table of Contents

  1. Gradle Dependency
  2. Usage
  3. Item Grids

Gradle Dependency

Bottom Sheets

The bottomsheets module contains extensions to turn modal dialogs into bottom sheets, among other functionality like showing a grid of items.

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.afollestad.material-dialogs:bottomsheets:3.0.0-alpha2'


Making a dialog a bottom sheet is as simple as passing a constructed instance of BottomSheet as the second parameter to MaterialDialog's constructor.

MaterialDialog(this, BottomSheet()).show {

Item Grids

Since it's common to show a grid of items in a bottom sheet, this module contains a method to do that.

val items = listOf(
    BasicGridItem(R.drawable.some_icon, "One"),
    BasicGridItem(R.drawable.another_icon, "Two"),
    BasicGridItem(R.drawable.hello_world, "Three"),
    BasicGridItem(R.drawable.material_dialogs, "Four")

MaterialDialog(this, BottomSheet()).show {
  gridItems(items) { _, index, item ->
    toast("Selected item ${item.title} at index $index")

Note that gridItems can take a list of anything that inherits from the GridItem interface, if you wish to pass a custom item type. You just need to override the title value along with the populateIcon(ImageView) function.

There a few extra parameters that you can provide, most of which are equivelent to what you can provide to listItems. customGridWidth is an optional integer resource that allows you to set a width for the grid - you can have different widths for different resource configurations (tablet, landscape, etc.)

  items: List<IT : GridItem>,
  @IntegerRes customGridWidth: Int? = null,
  disabledIndices: IntArray? = null,
  waitForPositiveButton: Boolean = true,
  selection: GridItemListener<IT> = null
): MaterialDialog