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Minor API change: The message(...) function no longer provides html and lineSpacingMultiplier as parameters. Instead, it works like this:

MaterialDialog(this).show {
  message(R.string.htmlContent) {
      html() // or...
      html { toast("Clicked link: $it") }
      messageTextView.doSomething() // you can act directly on the TextView


  • The BottomSheet() dialog behavior now accepts an optional LayoutMode parameter, which you can use to instruct the bottom sheet to be expandable to the screen height or limit itself to wrap the content of its content. See the updated Bottom Sheets documentation.
  • Added a setPeekHeight(...) extension method for MaterialDialog that you can use to set the default peek height and animate peek height changes.


  • You can now set corner radius dynamically with the cornerRadius method.
  • Some minor bug fixes and internal cleanup.


  • Bottom sheets are here! Checkout the README and sample project for details.