# Color # Table of Contents - Color 1. [Gradle Dependency](#gradle-dependency) 2. [Color Choosers](#color-choosers) 1. [Basics](#basics) 2. [Sub Colors](#sub-colors) ## Gradle Dependency [ ![Color](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/com.afollestad.material-dialogs/color?label=color&style=for-the-badge) ](https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/afollestad/material-dialogs/color) The `color` module contains extensions to the core module, such as a color chooser. ```gradle dependencies { ... implementation 'com.afollestad.material-dialogs:color:3.2.1' } ``` ## Color Choosers ### Basics Color choosers show a simple grid of colors. ```kotlin val colors = intArrayOf(RED, GREEN, BLUE) MaterialDialog(this).show { title(R.string.colors) colorChooser(colors) { dialog, color -> // Use color integer } positiveButton(R.string.select) } ``` You can specify an initial selection, which is just a color integer: ```kotlin val colors = intArrayOf(RED, GREEN, BLUE) MaterialDialog(this).show { title(R.string.colors) colorChooser(colors, initialSelection = BLUE) { dialog, color -> // Use color integer } positiveButton(R.string.select) } ``` ### Sub Colors You can specify sub-colors, which are a level down from each top level color. The size of the top level array must match the size of the sub-colors array. ```kotlin val colors = intArrayOf(RED, GREEN, BLUE) // size = 3 val subColors = listOf( // size = 3 intArrayOf(LIGHT_RED, RED, DARK_RED, WHITE), intArrayOf(LIGHT_GREEN, GREEN, DARK_GREEN, GRAY), intArrayOf(LIGHT_BLUE, BLUE, DARK_BLUE, BLACK) ) MaterialDialog(this).show { title(R.string.colors) colorChooser(colors, subColors = subColors) { dialog, color -> // Use color integer } positiveButton(R.string.select) } ``` ### ARGB Selection ```kotlin MaterialDialog(this).show { title(R.string.colors) colorChooser( colors = colors, subColors = subColors, allowCustomArgb = true, showAlphaSelector = true ) { dialog, color -> // Use color integer } positiveButton(R.string.select) } ``` Omitting `showAlphaSelector` will hide the alpha (transparency) selector.