@@ -42,10 +42,15 @@ typealias InputCallback = ((MaterialDialog, CharSequence) -> Unit)?
* @throws IllegalStateException if the dialog is not an input dialog.
@CheckResult fun MaterialDialog.getInputLayout(): TextInputLayout {
+ val key = "[custom_view_input_layout]"
+ return config[key] as? TextInputLayout ?: lookupInputLayout().also {
+ config[key] = it
+ }
+private fun MaterialDialog.lookupInputLayout(): TextInputLayout {
return getCustomView().findViewById(R.id.md_input_layout) as? TextInputLayout
- ?: throw IllegalStateException(
- "You have not setup this dialog as an input dialog."
- )
+ ?: throw IllegalStateException("You have not setup this dialog as an input dialog.")
@@ -101,6 +106,37 @@ fun MaterialDialog.input(
positiveButton { callback.invoke(this@input, getInputField().text ?: "") }
+ prefillInput(prefill = prefill, prefillRes = prefillRes, allowEmpty = allowEmpty)
+ styleInput(hint = hint, hintRes = hintRes, inputType = inputType)
+ if (maxLength != null) {
+ getInputLayout().run {
+ isCounterEnabled = true
+ counterMaxLength = maxLength
+ }
+ invalidateInputMaxLength(allowEmpty)
+ }
+ getInputField().textChanged {
+ if (!allowEmpty) {
+ setActionButtonEnabled(POSITIVE, it.isNotEmpty())
+ }
+ maxLength?.let { invalidateInputMaxLength(allowEmpty) }
+ if (!waitForPositiveButton && callback != null) {
+ // We aren't waiting for positive, so invoke every time the text changes
+ callback.invoke(this, it)
+ }
+ }
+ return this
+private fun MaterialDialog.prefillInput(
+ prefill: CharSequence?,
+ prefillRes: Int?,
+ allowEmpty: Boolean
+) {
val resources = windowContext.resources
val editText = getInputField()
@@ -113,6 +149,15 @@ fun MaterialDialog.input(
allowEmpty || prefillText.isNotEmpty()
+private fun MaterialDialog.styleInput(
+ hint: String?,
+ hintRes: Int?,
+ inputType: Int
+) {
+ val resources = windowContext.resources
+ val editText = getInputField()
editText.hint = hint ?: if (hintRes != null) resources.getString(hintRes) else null
editText.inputType = inputType
@@ -122,27 +167,4 @@ fun MaterialDialog.input(
hintAttrRes = R.attr.md_color_hint
- if (maxLength != null) {
- getInputLayout().run {
- isCounterEnabled = true
- counterMaxLength = maxLength
- }
- invalidateInputMaxLength(allowEmpty)
- }
- editText.textChanged {
- if (!allowEmpty) {
- setActionButtonEnabled(POSITIVE, it.isNotEmpty())
- }
- if (maxLength != null) {
- invalidateInputMaxLength(allowEmpty)
- }
- if (!waitForPositiveButton && callback != null) {
- // We aren't waiting for positive, so invoke every time the text changes
- callback.invoke(this, it)
- }
- }
- return this