@@ -11,1174 +11,21 @@
[  ](https://bintray.com/drummer-aidan/maven/material-dialogs:datetime)
[  ](https://bintray.com/drummer-aidan/maven/material-dialogs:lifecycle)
-#### [View Releases and Changelogs](https://github.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/releases)
-# Table of Contents - Core
-1. [Gradle Dependency](#gradle-dependency)
-2. [Changes in Version 2](#changes-in-version-2)
-3. [Basics](#basics)
-4. [Action Buttons](#action-buttons)
-5. [Adding an Icon](#adding-an-icon)
-6. [Callbacks](#callbacks)
-7. [Dismissing](#dismissing)
-8. [Lists](#lists)
- 1. [Plain](#plain)
- 2. [Single Choice](#single-choice)
- 3. [Multiple Choice](#multiple-choice)
- 4. [Custom Adapters](#custom-adapters)
-9. [Checkbox Prompts](#checkbox-prompts)
-10. [Custom Views](#custom-views)
-11. [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
-12. [Theming](#theming)
- 1. [Light and Dark](#light-and-dark)
- 2. [Background Color](#background-color)
- 3. [Ripple Color](#ripple-color)
- 4. [Corner Radius](#corner-radius)
- 5. [Text Color](#text-color)
- 6. [Fonts](#fonts)
-# Table of Contents - Input
-1. [Gradle Dependency](#gradle-dependency-1)
-2. [Text Input](#text-input)
- 1. [Basics](#basics-1)
- 2. [Hints and Prefill](#hints-and-prefill)
- 3. [Input Types](#input-types)
- 4. [Max Length](#max-length)
- 5. [Custom Validation](#custom-validation)
-# Table of Contents - Files
-1. [Gradle Dependency](#gradle-dependency-2)
-2. [File Choosers](#file-choosers)
- 1. [Basics](#basics-2)
- 2. [Filter](#filter)
- 3. [Empty Text](#empty-text)
- 4. [Folder Creation](#folder-creation)
-3. [Folder Choosers](#folder-choosers)
- 1. [Basics](#basics-3)
- 2. [Filter](#filter-2)
- 3. [Empty Text](#empty-text-1)
- 4. [Folder Creation](#folder-creation-1)
-# Table of Contents - Color
-1. [Gradle Dependency](#gradle-dependency-3)
-2. [Color Choosers](#color-choosers)
- 1. [Basics](#basics-4)
- 2. [Sub Colors](#sub-colors)
-# Table of Contents - DateTime
-1. [Gradle Dependency](#gradle-dependency-4)
-2. [Date](#date)
-3. [Time](#time)
-4. [DateTime](#datetime)
-# Table of Contents - Lifecycle
-1. [Gradle Dependency](#gradle-dependency-5)
-2. [Usage](#usage)
-# Core
-## Gradle Dependency
-[  ](https://bintray.com/drummer-aidan/maven/material-dialogs%3Acore/_latestVersion)
-The `core` module contains everything you need to get started with the library. It contains all
-core and normal-use functionality.
-dependencies {
- ...
- implementation 'com.afollestad.material-dialogs:core:2.2.0'
-## Changes in Version 2
-The whole library has been rebuilt, layouts and everything. The library is 100% Kotlin. APIs have
-changed and a lot of things will be broken if you upgrade from the older version. Other things
-to note:
-1. **This library will be more opinionated. Not every feature request will be implemented.**
-2. Minimum API level is 16 (Android Jellybean). The purpose of this library is no longer backwards compat.
-3. There is no longer a separate `Builder` class, it's all-in-one.
-4. The whole library was completely re-written in Kotlin. All the layouts and views were remade
-as well. **This library is now designed specifically to work with Kotlin - it technically will
-work with Java, but not pleasantly - extension modules will not work in Java.**
-5. All main classes exist in the `core` module, the extension modules take advantage of Kotlin
-extensions to append functionality to it (such as input dialogs, color dialogs, etc.). This way,
-you can include only what your app needs.
-6. The use of the neutral button is deprecated to discourage use, see the
-[newer Material guidelines](https://material.io/design/components/dialogs.html#actions).
-7. *There is no longer a progress dialog included in library*, since they are discouraged by Google,
-and discouraged by me. You should prefer a non-blocking inline progress indicator.
-8. No dynamic color support, your dialogs will match your app theme.
-9. Probably other things. Exploration is encouraged!
-## Basics
-Here's a very basic example of creating and showing a dialog:
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/basic.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- title(R.string.your_title)
- message(R.string.your_message)
-`this` should be a `Context` which is attached to a window, like an `Activity`.
-If you wanted to pass in literal strings instead of string resources:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- title(text = "Your Title")
- message(text = "Your Message")
-Note that you can setup a dialog without immediately showing it, as well:
-val dialog = MaterialDialog(this)
- .title(R.string.your_title)
- .message(R.string.your_message)
-## Action Buttons
-There are simple methods for adding action buttons:
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/basic_with_buttons.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- positiveButton(R.string.agree)
- negativeButton(R.string.disagree)
-You can use literal strings here as well:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- positiveButton(text = "Agree")
- negativeButton(text = "Disagree")
-Listening for clicks on the buttons is as simple as adding a lambda to the end:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- positiveButton(R.string.agree) { dialog ->
- // Do something
- }
- negativeButton(R.string.disagree) { dialog ->
- // Do something
- }
-If action buttons together are too long to fit in the dialog's width, they will be automatically
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/stacked_buttons.png" width="200px" />
-## Adding an Icon
-You can display an icon to the left of the title:
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/icon.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- icon(R.drawable.your_icon)
-You can pass a Drawable instance as well:
-val myDrawable: Drawable = // ...
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- icon(drawable = myDrawable)
-## Callbacks
-There are a few lifecycle callbacks you can hook into:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- onPreShow { dialog -> }
- onShow { dialog -> }
- onDismiss { dialog -> }
- onCancel { dialog -> }
-## Dismissing
-Dismissing a dialog closes it, it's just a simple method inherited from the parent `Dialog` class:
-val dialog: MaterialDialog = // ...
-You can prevent a dialog from being canceled, meaning it has to be explictly dismissed with an
-action button or a call to the method above.
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- cancelable(false) // calls setCancelable on the underlying dialog
- cancelOnTouchOutside(false) // calls setCanceledOnTouchOutside on the underlying dialog
-## Lists
-### Plain
-You can show lists using the `listItems` extension on `MaterialDialog`:
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/basic_list.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItems(R.array.socialNetworks)
-You can pass a literal string array too:
-val myItems = listOf("Hello", "World")
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItems(items = myItems)
-To get item selection events, just append a lambda:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItems(R.array.socialNetworks) { dialog, index, text ->
- // Invoked when the user taps an item
- }
-### Single Choice
-You can show single choice (radio button) lists using the `listItemsSingleChoice` extension
-on `MaterialDialog`:
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/single_choice_list.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItemsSingleChoice(R.array.my_items)
-You can pass a literal string array too:
-val myItems = listOf("Hello", "World")
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItemsSingleChoice(items = myItems)
-If you want an option to be selected when the dialog opens, you can pass an `initialSelection` index):
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItemsSingleChoice(R.array.my_items, initialSelection = 1)
-To get item selection events, just append a lambda:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItemsSingleChoice(R.array.my_items) { dialog, index, text ->
- // Invoked when the user selects an item
- }
-Without action buttons, the selection callback is invoked immediately when the user taps an item. If
-you add a positive action button...
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItemsSingleChoice(R.array.my_items) { dialog, index, text ->
- // Invoked when the user selects an item
- }
- positiveButton(R.string.select)
-...then the callback isn't invoked until the user selects an item *and* taps the positive action
-button. You can override that behavior using the `waitForPositiveButton` argument.
-An added bonus, you can disable items from being selected/unselected:
-val indices = intArrayOf(0, 2)
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItemsSingleChoice(R.array.my_items, disabledIndices = indices)
-There are methods you can use in a built dialog to modify checked states:
-val dialog: MaterialDialog = // ...
-val checked: Boolean = dialog.isItemChecked(index)
-### Multiple Choice
-You can show multiple choice (checkbox) lists using the `listItemsMultiChoice` extension on `MaterialDialog`:
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/multi_choice_list.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItemsMultiChoice(R.array.my_items) { _, index, text ->
- // Invoked when the user selects item(s)
- }
-You can pass a literal string array too:
-val myItems = listOf("Hello", "World")
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItemsMultiChoice(items = myItems)
-If you want option(s) to be selected when the dialog opens, you can pass an `initialSelection` index):
-val indices = intArrayOf(1, 3)
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItemsMultiChoice(R.array.my_items, initialSelection = indices)
-To get item selection events, just append a lambda:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItemsMultiChoice(R.array.my_items) { dialog, indices, items ->
- // Invoked when the user selects an item
- }
-Without action buttons, the selection callback is invoked immediately when the user taps an item. If
-you add a positive action button...
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItemsMultiChoice(R.array.my_items) { dialog, indices, items ->
- // Invoked when the user selects an item
- }
- positiveButton(R.string.select)
-...then the callback isn't invoked until the user select one or more items *and* taps the positive
-action button. You can override that behavior using the `waitForPositiveButton` argument.
-An added bonus, you can disable items from being selected/unselected:
-val indices = intArrayOf(0, 2)
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- listItemsMultiChoice(R.array.my_items, disabledIndices = indices)
-There are methods you can use in a built dialog to modify checked states:
-val dialog: MaterialDialog = // ...
-val indices: IntArray = // ...
-val checked: Boolean = dialog.isItemChecked(index)
-### Custom Adapters
-If you want to customize lists to use your own views, you need to use a custom adapter.
-val adapter: RecyclerView.Adapter<*> = // some sort of adapter implementation...
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- customListAdapter(adapter)
-You can retrieve your adapter again later from the dialog instance:
-val dialog: MaterialDialog = // ...
-val adapter: RecyclerView.Adapter<*> = dialog.getListAdapter()
-You can also retrieve the `RecyclerView` that the adapter is hosted in:
-val dialog: MaterialDialog = // ...
-val recyclerView: RecyclerView = dialog.getRecyclerView()
-## Checkbox Prompts
-Checkbox prompts can be used together with any other dialog type, it gets shown in the same view
-which shows the action buttons.
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/checkbox_prompt.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- checkBoxPrompt(R.string.your_label) { checked ->
- // Check box was checked or unchecked
- }
-You can pass a literal string for the label too:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- checkBoxPrompt(text = "Hello, World")
-You can also append a lambda which gets invoked when the checkbox is checked or unchecked:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- checkBoxPrompt(text = "Hello, World") { checked -> }
-If you only care about the checkbox state when the positive action button is pressed:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- checkBoxPrompt(R.string.your_label)
- positiveButton(R.string.button_text) { dialog ->
- val isChecked = dialog.isCheckPromptChecked()
- // do something
- }
-## Custom Views
-A lot of the included extensions use custom views, such as the color chooser dialog. There's also
-a simple example in the sample project.
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/custom_view.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- customView(R.layout.my_custom_view)
-You can also pass a literal view:
-val myView: View = // ...
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- customView(view = myView)
-If your custom view may be taller than the dialog, you'll want to make it scrollable:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- customView(R.layout.my_custom_view, scrollable = true)
-For later access, you can use `dialog.getCustomView()`:
-val dialog = MaterialDialog(this)
- .customView(R.layout.my_custom_view, scrollable = true)
-val customView = dialog.getCustomView()
-// Use the view instance, e.g. to set values or setup listeners
-## Miscellaneous
-There are little details which are easy to miss. For an example, auto dismiss controls whether pressing
-the action buttons or tapping a list item will automatically dismiss the dialog or not. By default,
-it's turned on. You can disable it:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- noAutoDismiss()
-## Theming
-Google's newer mindset with Material Theming (vs the 2014 mindset) is flexible. If you take their
-["Crane example"](https://material.io/design/components/dialogs.html#theming), you see that they
-change fonts, corner rounding, etc.
-### Light and Dark
-Light and dark theming is automatic based on your app's theme (basically whether `android:textColorPrimary`
-is more light or more dark):
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/lightanddarkthemes.jpg" width="400px" />
-### Background Color
-Material Dialogs uses the value of the `colorBackgroundFloating` attribute in your Activity theme
-for the background color of dialogs. You can also use the `md_background_color` attribute in your
-theme, which will take precedence.
-### Ripple Color
-Material Dialogs uses the value of the `?android:colorControlHighlight` attribute in your Activity
-theme for the ripple color of list items, buttons, etc. by default. You can override this with the
-`md_ripple_color` theme attribute as well.
-### Corner Radius
-Corner radius is the rounding of dialog corners:
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/cornerradius.png" width="200px" />
-it can be changed with an attribute in your app theme. It defaults to 2dp:
-<style name="AppTheme.Custom" parent="Theme.AppCompat">
- <item name="md_corner_radius">16dp</item>
-### Text Color
-By default, `android:textColorPrimary` and `android:textColorSecondary` attributes from your Activity
-theme are used for the title and content colors of dialogs. If you wish to override that, there
-are two attributes provided:
-<style name="AppTheme.Custom" parent="Theme.AppCompat">
- <item name="md_color_title">@color/your_color</item>
- <item name="md_color_content">@color/your_color</item>
-### Fonts
-This library supports using custom fonts, powered by the Support libraries `ResourcesCompat` class.
-With raw font files or XML font files in your `/res/font` folder, you can use them in Material Dialogs
-using attributes in your app's theme.
-<style name="AppTheme.Custom" parent="Theme.AppCompat">
- <item name="md_font_title">@font/your_font</item>
- <item name="md_font_body">@font/your_font</item>
- <item name="md_font_button">@font/your_font</item>
-See the "Custom Theme" example in the sample project (open the overflow menu for the theme switcher).
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/customtheme.png" width="200px" />
-# Input
-## Gradle Dependency
-[  ](https://bintray.com/drummer-aidan/maven/material-dialogs%3Ainput/_latestVersion)
-The `input` module contains extensions to the core module, such as a text input dialog.
-dependencies {
- ...
- implementation 'com.afollestad.material-dialogs:input:2.2.0'
-## Text Input
-### Basics
-You can setup an input dialog using the `input` extension on `MaterialDialog`:
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/input.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- input()
- positiveButton(R.string.submit)
-With a setup input dialog, you can retrieve the input field:
-val dialog: MaterialDialog = // ...
-val inputField: EditText = dialog.getInputField()
-You can append a lambda to receive a callback when the positive action button is pressed with
-text entered:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- input { dialpog, text ->
- // Text submitted with the action button
- }
- positiveButton(R.string.submit)
-If you set `waitForPositiveButton` to false, the callback is invoked every time the text field is
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- input(waitForPositiveButton = false) { dialog, text ->
- // Text changed
- }
- positiveButton(R.string.done)
-To allow the positive action button to be pressed even when the input is empty:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- input(allowEmpty = true) { dialog, text ->
- // Text submitted with the action button, might be an empty string`
- }
- positiveButton(R.string.done)
-### Hints and Prefill
-You can set a hint to the input field, which is the gray faded text shown when the field is empty:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- input(hintRes = R.string.hint_text)
-A literal string can be used as well:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- input(hint = "Your Hint Text")
-You can also prefill the input field:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- input(prefillRes = R.string.prefill_text)
-A literal string can be used as well:
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- input(prefill = "Prefilled text")
-### Input Types
-You can apply input types to the input field, which modifies the keyboard type when the field is
-focused on. This is just taken right from the Android framework, the input type gets applied
-directly to the underlying `EditText`:
-val type = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT or
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- input(inputType = type)
-### Max Length
-You can set a max length which makes a character counter visible, and disables the positive action
-button if the input length goes over that:
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/input_max_length.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- input(maxLength = 8)
- positiveButton(R.string.submit)
-### Custom Validation
-You can do custom validation using the input listener. This example enforces that the input
-starts with the letter 'a':
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- input(waitForPositiveButton = false) { dialog, text ->
- val inputField = dialog.getInputField()
- val isValid = text.startsWith("a", true)
- inputField?.error = if (isValid) null else "Must start with an 'a'!"
- dialog.setActionButtonEnabled(POSITIVE, isValid)
- }
- positiveButton(R.string.submit)
-# Files
-## Gradle Dependency
-[  ](https://bintray.com/drummer-aidan/maven/material-dialogs%3Afiles/_latestVersion)
-The `files` module contains extensions to the core module, such as a file and folder chooser.
-dependencies {
- ...
- implementation 'com.afollestad.material-dialogs:files:2.2.0'
-## File Choosers
-### Basics
-**Note:** File choosers require your app to have permission to `READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE`, otherwise
-directory listings will come back empty.
-You create file choosers using the `fileChooser` extension on `MaterialDialog`:
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/file_chooser.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- fileChooser { dialog, file ->
- // File selected
- }
-It shows all files and folders, starting in the external storage directory. Tapping a file invokes
-the callback and dismisses the dialog.
-You can change the directory which is listed initially:
-val initialFolder = File(getExternalStorageDirectory(), "Download")
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- fileChooser(initialDirectory = initialFolder) { dialog, file ->
- // File selected
- }
-**If a positive action button exists, tapping a file will select it, but the callback isn't invoked
-until the positive action button is pressed.**
-### Filter
-A filter can be applied to only show the files and directories you wish to show:
-// show ALL folders, and files that start with the letter 'a'
-val myFilter: FileFilter = { it.isDirectory || it.nameWithoutExtension.startsWith("a", true) }
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- fileChooser(filter = myFilter) { dialog, file ->
- // File selected
- }
-### Empty Text
-Empty text is shown when a folder has no contents. You can configure the empty text label:
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/file_emptytext.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- fileChooser(emptyTextRes = R.string.custom_label) { dialog, file ->
- // File selected
- }
-### Folder Creation
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/file_folder_creation.png" width="200px" />
-You can allow your users to create folders.
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- fileChooser(
- allowFolderCreation = true,
- folderCreationLabel = R.string.new_folder // optional as well
- ) { dialog, file ->
- // File selected
- }
-This "New Folder" option is only show in directories which are writable.
-## Folder Choosers
-**Note:** Folder choosers require your app to have permission to `READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE`, otherwise
-directory listings will come back empty.
-Folder choosers are basically the same as file choosers, with a few minor differences: 1) only folders
-are shown, even when a custom filter is applied. 2) the selection callback is never invoked on a
-item click, it only gets invoked with the currently viewed folder when the positive action button
-is pressed.
-### Basics
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- folderChooser { dialog, folder ->
- // Folder selected
- }
-### Filter
-You can apply a filter like you can with the file chooser.
-// show only folders that start with the letter 'a'
-val myFilter: FileFilter = { it.name.startsWith("a", true) }
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- folderChooser(filter = myFilter) { dialog, file ->
- // Folder selected
- }
-### Empty Text
-Empty text is shown when a folder has no contents. You can configure the empty text label:
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/file_emptytext.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- folderChooser(emptyTextRes = R.string.custom_label) { dialog, file ->
- // File selected
- }
-### Folder Creation
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/file_folder_creation.png" width="200px" />
-You can allow your users to create folders.
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- folderChooser(
- allowFolderCreation = true,
- folderCreationLabel = R.string.new_folder // optional as well
- ) { dialog, file ->
- // File selected
- }
-This "New Folder" option is only show in directories which are writable.
-# Color
-## Gradle Dependency
-[  ](https://bintray.com/drummer-aidan/maven/material-dialogs%3Acolor/_latestVersion)
-The `color` module contains extensions to the core module, such as a color chooser.
-dependencies {
- ...
- implementation 'com.afollestad.material-dialogs:color:2.2.0'
-## Color Choosers
-### Basics
-Color choosers show a simple grid of colors.
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/color_chooser.png" width="200px" />
-val colors = intArrayOf(RED, GREEN, BLUE)
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- title(R.string.colors)
- colorChooser(colors) { dialog, color ->
- // Use color integer
- }
- positiveButton(R.string.select)
-You can specify an initial selection, which is just a color integer:
-val colors = intArrayOf(RED, GREEN, BLUE)
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- title(R.string.colors)
- colorChooser(colors, initialSelection = BLUE) { dialog, color ->
- // Use color integer
- }
- positiveButton(R.string.select)
-### Sub Colors
-You can specify sub-colors, which are a level down from each top level color. The size of the top
-level array must match the size of the sub-colors array.
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/color_chooser_sub.png" width="200px" />
-val colors = intArrayOf(RED, GREEN, BLUE) // size = 3
-val subColors = listOf( // size = 3
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- title(R.string.colors)
- colorChooser(colors, subColors = subColors) { dialog, color ->
- // Use color integer
- }
- positiveButton(R.string.select)
-### ARGB Selection
-<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/master/art/custom_argb.png" width="200px" />
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- title(R.string.colors)
- colorChooser(
- colors = colors,
- subColors = subColors,
- allowCustomArgb = true,
- showAlphaSelector = true
- ) { dialog, color ->
- // Use color integer
- }
- positiveButton(R.string.select)
-Omitting `showAlphaSelector` will hide the alpha (transparency) selector.
-# DateTime
-## Gradle Dependency
-[  ](https://bintray.com/drummer-aidan/maven/material-dialogs%3Adatetime/_latestVersion)
-The `datetime` module contains extensions to make date, time, and date-time picker dialogs.
-dependencies {
- ...
- implementation 'com.afollestad.material-dialogs:datetime:2.2.0'
-## Date
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- ...
- datePicker { dialog, date ->
- // Use date
- }
-You can optionally provide `minDate` and `currentDate` parameters as well.
-## Time
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- ...
- timePicker { dialog, time ->
- // Use time
- }
-You can optionally provide `currentTime` and `show24HoursView` parameters as well.
-## DateTime
+# Modules
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- ...
- dateTimePicker(requireFutureDateTime = true) { _, dateTime ->
- // Use dateTime
- }
+Click a module to see the Gradle dependency and a how-to document.
-You can optionally provide `minDateTime`, `currentDateTime`, `show24HoursView`,
-and `requireFutureDateTime` parameters as well.
+1. [Core (main)](documentation/CORE.md)
+2. [Input](documentation/INPUT.md)
+3. [Files](documentation/FILES.md)
+4. [Color](documentation/COLOR.md)
+5. [DateTime](documentation/DATETIME.md)
+6. [Lifecycle](documentation/LIFECYCLE.md)
-# Lifecycle
-## Gradle Dependency
-[  ](https://bintray.com/drummer-aidan/maven/material-dialogs%3Alifecycle/_latestVersion)
-The `lifecycle` module contains extensions to make dialogs work with AndroidX lifecycles.
-dependencies {
- ...
- implementation 'com.afollestad.material-dialogs:lifecycle:2.2.0'
-## Usage
-MaterialDialog(this).show {
- ...
- lifecycleOwner(owner)
-When the given lifecycle owner is destroyed, the dialog is automatically dismissed. Lifecycle
-owners include Activities and Fragments from AndroidX, along with any class that implements the
-`LifecycleOwner` interface.
+#### [View Releases and Changelogs](https://github.com/afollestad/material-dialogs/releases)