@@ -130,6 +130,37 @@ Because of dependencies, DialogX currently only supports AndroidX as the base fo
### 📥Introduce
+Please choose one of the following two sources to bring in your project.
+#### MavenCenter
+Latest version:
+<a href="https://github.com/kongzue/DialogX/releases"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/MavenCenter%20Release-0.0.47.beta13-green.svg" alt="DialogX Release"></a></div>
+1) In the project's build.gradle file, find the `allprojects{}` block and add the following code.
+allprojects {
+ repositories {
+ google()
+ jcenter()
+ mavenCentral() //增加 mavenCentral 仓库
+ }
+⚠️ Please note that projects created with the Arctic Fox version of Android Studio will require you to go to settings.gradle and add the above jitpack repository configuration.
+2) Find the `dependencies{}` code block in the app's build.gradle file and add the following statement to it.
+def dialogx_version = "0.0.47.beta13"
+implementation "com.kongzue.dialogx:DialogX:${dialogx_version}"
+#### Jitpack
<b>Latest Version:</b>
<a href="https://jitpack.io/#kongzue/DialogX">