@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ It's also support to custom indicator style,just need extends BaseIndicatorView
| BannerViewPager<T, VH> removeTransformer(ViewPager2.PageTransformer) | Remvoe page transformer | supported v3.0.0 |
| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setCurrentItem(int) | Set the currently selected page. | supported v2.3.5|
| int getCurrentItem() | return current position | Supported v2.3.5 |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setPageStyle(PageStyle) | set page style for BVP | supported v2.4.0 enum(MULTI_PAGE、MULTI_PAGE_SCALE、MULTI_PAGE_OVERLAP)|
+| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setPageStyle(PageStyle) | set page style for BVP | supported v2.4.0 enum(MULTI_PAGE_SCALE;MULTI_PAGE_OVERLAP)|
| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setPageMargin(int) | | supported v2.4.0 |
| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorMargin(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) | set margin for indicator | supported v2.4.1 |
| BannerViewPager<T, VH> registerOnPageChangeCallback(OnPageChangeListener) | Set a callback that will be invoked whenever the page changes or is incrementally scrolled. | |
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ It's also support to custom indicator style,just need extends BaseIndicatorView
| bvp_indicator_radius | dimension | if it's circle style the value is radius of circle,if the indicator style is DASH or ROUND_RECT the value is width/2 |
| bvp_round_corner| dimension | set round corner for BVP |
| bvp_page_margin | dimension | set item margin |
-| bvp_reveal_width | dimension | it's only used when the page style is MULTI_PAGE/MULTI_PAGE_SCALE/MULTI_PAGE_OVERLAP,the value is two side item reveal width |
+| bvp_reveal_width | dimension | it's only used when the page style is MULTI_PAGE_SCALE/MULTI_PAGE_OVERLAP,the value is two side item reveal width |
| bvp_indicator_style | enum | indicator style(circle/dash/round_rect) |
| bvp_indicator_slide_mode | enum | indicator slide mode(normal;smooth;worm;color;scale) |
| bvp_indicator_gravity | enum | indicator gravity(center/start/end) |
@@ -495,24 +495,19 @@ you must add proguard rules,If you have called setScrollDuration method in you
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