@@ -13,25 +13,18 @@
> Tencent Video,QQ Music,KuGou,AliPay,Tmall,TaoBao,YouKu,Himalaya,NetEase Music,Bilibili ect. All of above App's Banner can be implements By BannerViewPager.
-## What's new in version 3.x
-- Migrate to ViewPager2
-- Multiple item type supported
-- setOrientation supported
-- addPageTransformer and removeTransformer supported
-- setAdapter replaces setHolderCreator
-- getData replaces getList
-- registerOnPageChangeCallback replaces setOnPageChangeListener
-- setUserInputEnabled replaces disableTouchScroll
-- remove setPageTransformerStyle
-- remove some deprecate methods in v2.x
-- no longer support android.support library
-- SCALE slide mode and COLOR slide mode supported(V3.1.0)
-- refreshData() supported (V3.1.0)
-- setLifecycleRegistry(Lifecycle) supported (v3.1.4)
-- addData(List<T>) Supported (3.2.0)
-- insertItem and removeItem Supported. (3.2.0)
-- addItemDecoration Supported. (3.2.0)
+## Usage
+## [1.Quick Starts](https://github.com/zhpanvip/BannerViewPager/wiki/01.Quick-Starts)
+## [2.Docment API](https://github.com/zhpanvip/BannerViewPager/wiki/02.Docment)
+## [3.Multiple View Types](https://github.com/zhpanvip/BannerViewPager/wiki/03.Multiple-View-Types)
+## [4.Use ViewBinding And DataBinding](https://github.com/zhpanvip/BannerViewPager/wiki/04.Use-ViewBinding-And-DataBinding)
+## [5.Custom IndicatorView](https://github.com/zhpanvip/BannerViewPager/wiki/05.Custom-IndicatorView)
## Preview
@@ -78,429 +71,7 @@ It's also support to custom indicator style,just need extends BaseIndicatorView
|  |  |  |
-## API
-| Methods | Description | Default |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setCanLoop(boolean) | set it's can loop | default value is true|
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setAutoPlay(boolean) | set can auto play | default value is true|
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setInterval(int) | set the interval of item switch |unit is millisecond,default value is 3000ms |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setScrollDuration(int) | set item scroll duration |Unit is millisecond,default value is equals ViewPager2 item scroll time |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setRoundCorner(int) | set round corner for BVP. equals setRoundRect method |Require SDK_INT>=LOLLIPOP |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setOnPageClickListener(OnPageClickListener) | set a callback that when the item is clicked | |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setAdapter(BaseBannerAdapter\<T, VH>) |set Adapter for BVP |This method must be called,Otherwise,BVP will throw a NullPointerException|
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorVisibility(int) | indicator visibility |default is VISIBLE |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorStyle(int) | set indicator style | enum(CIRCLE, DASH、ROUND_RECT) default value is CIRCLE |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorGravity(int) | set gravity of indicator |enum(CENTER、START、END),default value is CENTER |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorColor(int,int) | set indicator slider color |default normalColor: "#8C6C6D72",default checkedColor:"#8C18171C" |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorSlideMode(int slideMode) | set indicator slider mode | enum(NORMAL;SMOOTH;WORM;COLOR;SCALE),default value NORMAL |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorSliderRadius(int radius) | set indicator slider radius | default value is 4dp|
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorSliderRadius(int normalRadius,int checkRadius) |set indicator slider radius | default value is 4dp |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorSliderWidth(int) | set Indicator slider width | default value is 8dp|
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorSliderWidth(int normalWidth, int checkWidth) | set indicator slider width| default value is 8dp |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorHeight(int) | set indicator slider height | default value is normalIndicatorSliderWidth/2 |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorSliderGap(int) | set space for indicator slider| default value is normalIndicatorSliderWidth|
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorView(IIndicator) | set custom indicator|Custom indicator must extends BaseIndicatorView or implements IIndicator |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setPageTransformer(ViewPager2.PageTransformer) | set page transformer,call this method will cover old transformer | |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> addPageTransformer(ViewPager2.PageTransformer) | add page transformer | supported v3.0.0 |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> removeTransformer(ViewPager2.PageTransformer) | Remvoe page transformer | supported v3.0.0 |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setCurrentItem(int) | Set the currently selected page. | supported v2.3.5|
-| int getCurrentItem() | return current position | Supported v2.3.5 |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setPageStyle(PageStyle) | set page style for BVP | supported v2.4.0 enum(MULTI_PAGE_SCALE;MULTI_PAGE_OVERLAP)|
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setPageMargin(int) | | supported v2.4.0 |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setIndicatorMargin(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) | set margin for indicator | supported v2.4.1 |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> registerOnPageChangeCallback(OnPageChangeListener) | Set a callback that will be invoked whenever the page changes or is incrementally scrolled. | |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setRoundRect(int) | set round corner for BVP| Require SDK_INT>=LOLLIPOP |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setOrientation(int) | Sets the orientation of the BVP| support in v3.0.0 {@link #ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL} or {@link #ORIENTATION_VERTICAL} |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setUserInputEnabled(int) | Enable or disable user initiated scrolling | |
-| BannerViewPager<T, VH> setLifecycleRegistry(Lifecycle) | Add lifecycle for BVP, | |
-| void startLoop() |start loop | Don't need call this method while init BVP |
-| void stopLoop() | Stop loop | |
-| List\<T> getData() | return data in BVP | |
-| void create(List<T> list) |Create BannerViewPager with data | If data has fetched while you setup BannerViewPager,you can call this method |
-| void create() |Create BannerViewPager with no data | You can call this,If fetching data asynchronously(for example,The data is from remote server or database).While fetch data successfully,just need call refreshData() method to refresh |、
-| void refreshData(List<T>) | Refresh if data is update | Supported in v3.1.0 |
-### Attributes
-| Attributes | format | description |
-| bvp_interval | integer | set the interval of item switch |
-| bvp_scroll_duration | integer | set item scroll duration|
-| bvp_can_loop | boolean| set BVP can cycle |
-| bvp_auto_play | boolean | set BVP can auto play |
-| bvp_indicator_checked_color | color | set checked color for indicator slider |
-| bvp_indicator_normal_color | color | set normal color for indicator slider |
-| bvp_indicator_radius | dimension | if it's circle style the value is radius of circle,if the indicator style is DASH or ROUND_RECT the value is width/2 |
-| bvp_round_corner| dimension | set round corner for BVP |
-| bvp_page_margin | dimension | set item margin |
-| bvp_reveal_width | dimension | it's only used when the page style is MULTI_PAGE_SCALE/MULTI_PAGE_OVERLAP,the value is two side item reveal width |
-| bvp_indicator_style | enum | indicator style(circle/dash/round_rect) |
-| bvp_indicator_slide_mode | enum | indicator slide mode(normal;smooth;worm;color;scale) |
-| bvp_indicator_gravity | enum | indicator gravity(center/start/end) |
-| bvp_page_style | enum | page style(normal/multi_page/multi_page_overlap/multi_page_scale) |
-| bvp_indicator_visibility| enum | indicator visibility(visible/gone/invisible) |
-## Usage
-Because Viewpager2 is not supported in android.support library, So BannerViewPager V3.0 is no longer support android support.library. If you are still using android.support library, please use [BannerViewPager v2.x](https://github.com/zhpanvip/BannerViewPager/tree/v_2.x)
-### 1.Gradle dependency
-Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
-allprojects {
- repositories {
- ...
- maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- }
- }
-Then Add the dependency
-implementation 'com.github.zhpanvip:BannerViewPager:latestVersion'
- latestVersion:[](https://jitpack.io/#zhpanvip/BannerViewPager)
-### 2.Add BannerViewPager in layout.xml
- <com.zhpan.bannerview.BannerViewPager
- android:id="@+id/banner_view"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_margin="10dp"
- android:layout_height="160dp" />
-### 3.The item layout of banner:
- **Attention:The layout width and height required "match_parent".Otherwise,the ViewPager2 will throws a IllegalStateException.**
- <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent">
- <ImageView
- android:id="@+id/banner_image"
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:scaleType="centerCrop" />
- <LinearLayout
- android:layout_width="match_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"
- android:gravity="center_vertical">
- <TextView
- android:id="@+id/tv_describe"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="match_parent"
- android:layout_gravity="center_vertical"
- android:layout_marginStart="15dp"
- android:gravity="center_vertical"
- android:paddingTop="5dp"
- android:paddingBottom="5dp"
- android:textColor="#FFFFFF"
- android:textSize="16sp" />
- </LinearLayout>
- </RelativeLayout>
-### 4.Extends BaseViewHolder,and override methods.
- **Attention:Don't use {@link RecyclerView.ViewHolder#getAdapterPosition} method to get position in ViewHolder,this method will return a fake position.**
- public class NetViewHolder extends BaseViewHolder<BannerData> {
- public NetViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView) {
- super(itemView);
- CornerImageView imageView = findView(R.id.banner_image);
- imageView.setRoundCorner(BannerUtils.dp2px(0));
- }
- @Override
- public void bindData(BannerData data, int position, int pageSize) {
- CornerImageView imageView = findView(R.id.banner_image);
- Glide.with(imageView).load(data.getImagePath()).placeholder(R.drawable.placeholder).into(imageView);
- }
- }
-**If you need get position with getAdapterPosition() method,you can do like the following code to get real position:**
- int adapterPosition = getAdapterPosition();
- int realPosition = BannerUtils.getRealPosition(isCanLoop, adapterPosition, mList.size());
-### 5.Extends BaseBannerAdapter,and override methods
-public class HomeAdapter extends BaseBannerAdapter<BannerData, NetViewHolder> {
- @Override
- protected void onBind(NetViewHolder holder, BannerData data, int position, int pageSize) {
- holder.bindData(data, position, pageSize);
- }
- @Override
- public NetViewHolder createViewHolder(View itemView, int viewType) {
- return new NetViewHolder(itemView);
- }
- @Override
- public int getLayoutId(int viewType) {
- return R.layout.item_net;
- }
-### 5.Use in Activity or Fragment:
- You can call create() method with no parameter,If fetching data asynchronously(for example,The data is from remote server or database):
- #### Java code
- private BannerViewPager<CustomBean, NetViewHolder> mViewPager;
- ...
- private void setupViewPager() {
- mViewPager = findViewById(R.id.banner_view);
- mViewPager
- .setAutoPlay(true)
- .setScrollDuration(800)
- .setLifecycleRegistry(getLifecycle())
- .setIndicatorStyle(IndicatorStyle.ROUND_RECT)
- .setIndicatorSliderGap(getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.dp_4))
- .setIndicatorSliderWidth(getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.dp_4), getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.dp_10))
- .setIndicatorSliderColor(getColor(R.color.red_normal_color), getColor(R.color.red_checked_color))
- .setOrientation(ViewPager2.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL)
- .setInterval(2000)
- .setAdapter(new HomeAdapter())
- .registerOnPageChangeCallback(new ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback() {
- @Override
- public void onPageSelected(int position) {
- super.onPageSelected(position);
- BannerData bannerData = mViewPagerHorizontal.getData().get(position);
- mTvTitle.setText(bannerData.getTitle());
- }
- }).create();
- }
- #### Kotlin Code
- ```
- private lateinit var mViewPager: BannerViewPager<CustomBean, NetViewHolder>
- ...
- private fun setupViewPager() {
- mViewPager = findViewById(R.id.banner_view)
- mViewPager.apply {
- adapter = HomeAdapter()
- setAutoPlay(true)
- setLifecycleRegistry(lifecycle)
- setIndicatorStyle(IndicatorStyle.ROUND_RECT)
- setIndicatorSliderGap(getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.dp_4))
- setIndicatorMargin(0, 0, 0, resources.getDimension(R.dimen.dp_100).toInt())
- setIndicatorSlideMode(IndicatorSlideMode.SMOOTH)
- setIndicatorSliderRadius(resources.getDimension(R.dimen.dp_3).toInt(), resources.getDimension(R.dimen.dp_4_5).toInt())
- setIndicatorSliderColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this@WelcomeActivity, R.color.white),
- ContextCompat.getColor(this@WelcomeActivity, R.color.white_alpha_75))
- registerOnPageChangeCallback(object : ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback() {
- override fun onPageSelected(position: Int) {
- BannerUtils.log("position:$position")
- }
- })
- }.create()
- }
- ```
- While fetch data successfully,just need call refreshData() method to refresh:
- ```
- mViewPager.refreshData(data)
- ```
-If fetching data synchronously,you can call create(List<T>) method with parameters.
- ```
- private lateinit var mViewPager: BannerViewPager<CustomBean, NetViewHolder>
- ...
- private fun setupViewPager() {
- mViewPager = findViewById(R.id.banner_view)
- mViewPager.apply {
- adapter = HomeAdapter()
- setAutoPlay(true)
- setIndicatorStyle(IndicatorStyle.ROUND_RECT)
- setIndicatorSliderGap(getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.dp_4))
- setIndicatorMargin(0, 0, 0, resources.getDimension(R.dimen.dp_100).toInt())
- setIndicatorSlideMode(IndicatorSlideMode.SMOOTH)
- setIndicatorSliderRadius(resources.getDimension(R.dimen.dp_3).toInt(), resources.getDimension(R.dimen.dp_4_5).toInt())
- setIndicatorSliderColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this@WelcomeActivity, R.color.white),
- ContextCompat.getColor(this@WelcomeActivity, R.color.white_alpha_75))
- registerOnPageChangeCallback(object : ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback() {
- override fun onPageSelected(position: Int) {
- BannerUtils.log("position:$position")
- }
- })
- }.create(data)
- }
- ```
-### 6.startLoop and stopLoop
-***You can user setLifecycleRegistry(Lifecycle) method to instead of call stopLoop and startLoop in Activity or Fragment***
- mViewPager.setLifecycleRegistry(getLifecycle())
- // the follwoing code is deprecated.
- @Override
- protected void onPause() {
- if (mBannerViewPager != null)
- mBannerViewPager.stopLoop();
- super.onPause();
- }
- @Override
- protected void onResume() {
- super.onResume();
- if (mBannerViewPager != null)
- mBannerViewPager.startLoop();
- }
-### 7.Advanced Features---Custom IndicatorView
-The example will implement an custom IndicatorView as the follow gif.
-| Custom IndicatorView Style|
-|  |
-**(1)Custom View and extends BaseIndicatorView**
-public class FigureIndicatorView extends BaseIndicatorView {
- private int radius = DpUtils.dp2px(20);
- private int backgroundColor = Color.parseColor("#88FF5252");
- private int textColor = Color.WHITE;
- private int textSize=DpUtils.dp2px(13);
- public FigureIndicatorView(Context context) {
- this(context, null);
- }
- public FigureIndicatorView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {
- this(context, attrs, 0);
- }
- public FigureIndicatorView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
- super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
- mPaint = new Paint();
- }
- @Override
- protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
- super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
- setMeasuredDimension(2 * radius, 2 * radius);
- }
- @Override
- protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
- super.onDraw(canvas);
- mPaint.setColor(backgroundColor);
- canvas.drawCircle(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2, radius, mPaint);
- mPaint.setColor(textColor);
- mPaint.setTextSize(textSize);
- String text = currentPosition + 1 + "/" + pageSize;
- int textWidth = (int) mPaint.measureText(text);
- Paint.FontMetricsInt fontMetricsInt = mPaint.getFontMetricsInt();
- int baseline = (getMeasuredHeight() - fontMetricsInt.bottom + fontMetricsInt.top) / 2 - fontMetricsInt.top;
- canvas.drawText(text, (getWidth() - textWidth) / 2, baseline, mPaint);
- }
- public void setRadius(int radius) {
- this.radius = radius;
- }
- @Override
- public void setBackgroundColor(@ColorInt int backgroundColor) {
- this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
- }
- public void setTextSize(int textSize) {
- this.textSize = textSize;
- }
- public void setTextColor(int textColor) {
- this.textColor = textColor;
- }
-**(2)Set custom indicator for BannerViewPager**
- FigureIndicatorView indicatorView = new FigureIndicatorView(mContext);
- indicatorView.setRadius(getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.dp_18));
- indicatorView.setTextSize(getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.sp_13));
- indicatorView.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#aa118EEA"));
- mViewPager.setAutoPlay(false).setCanLoop(true)
- .setIndicatorSlideMode(IndicatorSlideMode.NORMAL)
- .setIndicatorVisibility(View.VISIBLE)
- .setIndicatorGravity(IndicatorGravity.END)
- .setIndicatorView(indicatorView).create(getPicList(4));
-## 8. Proguard
-you must add proguard rules,If you have called setScrollDuration method in your project:
- -keep class androidx.recyclerview.widget.**{*;}
- -keep class androidx.viewpager2.widget.**{*;}
-## TODO
- - [x] Optimization and Refactoring IndicatorView(2.0.1)
- - [x] Fix a bug which page frozen sometimes when sliding in version 2.1.0 (
- - [x] Set Transform Style Supported(2.1.2)
- - [x] Migrate to Androidx(2.2.0)
- - [x] indicator smooth slide Supported(2.2.2)
- - [x] Dash IndicatorView Supported(2.3.+)
- - [x] MULTI_PAGE Style Supported(2.4.0)
- - [x] Optimize code and improve performance in version 2.4.3
- - [x] Refactor Indicator again (2.5.0)
- - [x] Fix issue #34 which Indicator smooth slide problem(2.6.1).
- - [x] Migrate to ViewPager2 (3.0.0)
-## FAQ
+## Contact
**If you have any question regard to BannerViewPager, please scan the QR code and join the QQ group to communicate.**