@@ -40,34 +40,58 @@ import android.app.AlertDialog
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Build
import android.util.AttributeSet
-import android.webkit.*
+import android.webkit.JavascriptInterface
+import android.webkit.JsResult
+import android.webkit.WebChromeClient
+import android.webkit.WebView
+import android.webkit.WebViewClient
+import com.github.aachartmodel.aainfographics.aaoptionsmodel.AAPlotOptions
+import com.github.aachartmodel.aainfographics.aaoptionsmodel.AAPoint
+import com.github.aachartmodel.aainfographics.aaoptionsmodel.AAPointEvents
+import com.github.aachartmodel.aainfographics.aaoptionsmodel.AASeries
+import com.github.aachartmodel.aainfographics.aatools.AAColor
import com.github.aachartmodel.aainfographics.aatools.AAJSStringPurer
import com.github.aachartmodel.aainfographics.aatools.aa_toJSArray
import com.google.gson.Gson
import com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap
-import java.util.*
-import kotlin.collections.HashMap
+import java.util.Locale
-class AAMoveOverEventMessageModel {
+open class AAEventMessageModel {
var name: String? = null
var x: Double? = null
var y: Double? = null
var category: String? = null
- var offset: LinkedTreeMap<String, Any>? = null
+ var offset: LinkedTreeMap<*, *>? = null
var index: Int? = null
+class AAClickEventMessageModel : AAEventMessageModel()
+class AAMoveOverEventMessageModel : AAEventMessageModel()
class AAChartView : WebView {
interface AAChartViewCallBack {
- fun chartViewDidFinishLoad(aaChartView: AAChartView)
+ fun chartViewDidFinishLoad(
+ aaChartView: AAChartView
+ ) {
+ }
+ fun chartViewClickEventMessage(
+ aaChartView: AAChartView,
+ clickEventMessage: AAClickEventMessageModel
+ ) {
+ }
fun chartViewMoveOverEventMessage(
aaChartView: AAChartView,
- messageModel: AAMoveOverEventMessageModel
- )
+ moveOverEventMessage: AAMoveOverEventMessageModel
+ ) {
+ }
var contentWidth: Number? = null
set(value) {
field = value
@@ -140,12 +164,37 @@ class AAChartView : WebView {
- fun androidMethod(message: String?): String {
- var messageBody = HashMap<String, Any>()
- messageBody = Gson().fromJson(message, messageBody.javaClass)
- val eventMessageModel: AAMoveOverEventMessageModel = getEventMessageModel(messageBody)
- callBack?.chartViewMoveOverEventMessage(this, eventMessageModel)
- //Log.i("androidMethod","++++++++++++++++显示总共调用了几次");
+ fun clickEventAndroidMethod(message: String?): String {
+ val gson = Gson()
+ var messageBody: Map<String, Any> = java.util.HashMap()
+ messageBody = gson.fromJson(message, messageBody.javaClass)
+ // 调用泛型方法并传递 MyEventMessage.class 作为 eventType 参数
+ val clickEventMessageModel: AAClickEventMessageModel = this.getEventMessageModel(
+ messageBody,
+ AAClickEventMessageModel::class.java
+ )
+ if (callBack != null) {
+ callBack!!.chartViewClickEventMessage(this, clickEventMessageModel)
+ }
+ // Log.i("androidMethod","++++++++++++++++显示总共调用了几次");
+ return ""
+ }
+ //js调用安卓,必须加@JavascriptInterface注释的方法才可以被js调用
+ @JavascriptInterface
+ fun moveOverEventAndroidMethod(message: String?): String {
+ val gson = Gson()
+ var messageBody: Map<String, Any> = java.util.HashMap()
+ messageBody = gson.fromJson(message, messageBody.javaClass)
+ // 调用泛型方法并传递 MyEventMessage.class 作为 eventType 参数
+ val moveOverEventMessageModel = this.getEventMessageModel(
+ messageBody,
+ AAMoveOverEventMessageModel::class.java
+ )
+ if (callBack != null) {
+ callBack!!.chartViewMoveOverEventMessage(this, moveOverEventMessageModel)
+ }
+ // Log.i("androidMethod","++++++++++++++++显示总共调用了几次");
return ""
@@ -323,11 +372,37 @@ class AAChartView : WebView {
- private fun configureChartOptionsAndDrawChart(chartOptions: AAOptions) {
+ private fun configurePlotOptionsSeriesPointEvents(aaOptions: AAOptions) {
+ if (aaOptions.plotOptions == null) {
+ aaOptions.plotOptions = AAPlotOptions().series(AASeries().point(AAPoint().events(AAPointEvents())))
+ } else if (aaOptions.plotOptions!!.series == null) {
+ aaOptions.plotOptions!!.series = AASeries().point(AAPoint().events(AAPointEvents()))
+ } else if (aaOptions.plotOptions!!.series!!.point == null) {
+ aaOptions.plotOptions!!.series!!.point = AAPoint().events(AAPointEvents())
+ } else if (aaOptions.plotOptions!!.series!!.point!!.events == null) {
+ aaOptions.plotOptions!!.series!!.point!!.events = AAPointEvents()
+ }
+ }
+ private fun configureChartOptionsAndDrawChart(aaOptions: AAOptions) {
if (isClearBackgroundColor!!) {
- chartOptions.chart!!.backgroundColor("rgba(0,0,0,0)")
+ aaOptions.chart!!.backgroundColor(AAColor.Clear)
- val aaOptionsJsonStr = Gson().toJson(chartOptions)
+ // 提取布尔表达式以提高可读性,并防止 NullPointerException
+ val isClickEventEnabled =
+ (aaOptions.clickEventEnabled != null && aaOptions.clickEventEnabled == true)
+ val isTouchEventEnabled =
+ (aaOptions.touchEventEnabled != null && aaOptions.touchEventEnabled == true)
+ val isAnyEventEnabled = isClickEventEnabled || isTouchEventEnabled
+ if (isAnyEventEnabled) {
+ configurePlotOptionsSeriesPointEvents(aaOptions)
+ }
+ val aaOptionsJsonStr = Gson().toJson(aaOptions)
optionsJson = aaOptionsJsonStr
val javaScriptStr = "loadTheHighChartView('$aaOptionsJsonStr','$contentWidth','$contentHeight')"
@@ -356,15 +431,26 @@ class AAChartView : WebView {
- private fun getEventMessageModel(messageBody: Map<String, Any>): AAMoveOverEventMessageModel {
- val eventMessageModel = AAMoveOverEventMessageModel()
- eventMessageModel.name = messageBody["name"].toString()
- eventMessageModel.x = messageBody["x"] as Double?
- eventMessageModel.y = messageBody["y"] as Double?
- eventMessageModel.category = messageBody["category"].toString()
- eventMessageModel.offset = messageBody["offset"] as LinkedTreeMap<String, Any>?
+ private fun <T : AAEventMessageModel?> getEventMessageModel(
+ messageBody: Map<String, Any>,
+ eventType: Class<T>
+ ): T {
+ val eventMessageModel: T
+ try {
+ // 通过反射实例化泛型类型
+ eventMessageModel = eventType.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance()
+ } catch (e: Exception) {
+ throw RuntimeException("Failed to create instance of $eventType", e)
+ }
+ eventMessageModel!!.name = messageBody["name"].toString()
+ eventMessageModel!!.x = messageBody["x"] as Double?
+ eventMessageModel!!.y = messageBody["y"] as Double?
+ eventMessageModel!!.category = messageBody["category"].toString()
+ eventMessageModel!!.offset = messageBody["offset"] as LinkedTreeMap<*, *>?
val index = messageBody["index"] as Double?
- eventMessageModel.index = index?.toInt()
+ eventMessageModel!!.index = index!!.toInt()
return eventMessageModel